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အသည်းရောင် အသားဝါ ဘီ (သို့မဟုတ် hep B) သည် ပြင်းထန်သော အသည်းရောဂါ ဖြစ်ပြီး ကမ္ဘာတစ်လွှားတွင် လူပေါင်း သန်းနှင့်ချီ၍ ဖြစ်နေ၊ အကျိုးသက်ရောက်မှုဖြစ်နေသည်။ ဤလက်ကမ်း စာစောင်သည် အသည်းရောင် အသားဝါ ဘီ ကို ပိုမို သိနားလည်ပြီး ယင်းကို မည်သို့ ကိုင်တွယ်ဖြေရှင်းရမည်ကို လေ့လာရာတွင် ကူညီပေးရန် ဖြစ်သည်။

ဤလက်ကမ်းစာစောင်တွင် အောက်ပါ အကြောင်းအရာ များကို လေ့လာနိုင်သည် -

  • နာတာရှည် hep B က အသည်းကို မည်သို့ ထိခိုက်စေသနည်း
  • Hep B မည်သို့ ကူးစက်ပြန့်ပွားသနည်း
  • စမ်းသပ်စစ်ဆေးမှုနှင့် ကာကွယ်ဆေးထိုးခြင်း
  • နာတာရှည် hep B ကို မည်သို့ ကုသ သနည်း

Hepatitis B (or hep B) is a serious liver disease that affects millions of people across the world. This brochure is here to help you better understand hep B and learn how to manage it.

Inside this brochure, we will explore the following topics:

  • How chronic hep B affects the liver
  • How hep B is spread
  • Testing and vaccination
  • How chronic hep B is treated


ជំងឺរលាកថ្លើមប្រភេទ Bប(ឬ hep B)គឺជាជំងឺថ្លើមធ្ងន់ធ្ងរ ដែលប៉ះពាល់មនុស្សរាប់លាននាក់ទូទាំងពិភពលោក។ កូនសៀវភៅ មានបំណងជួយលោកអ្នកឲ្យយល់ដឹងកាន់តែប្រសើរអំពីជំងឺរលាកថ្លើមប្រភេទ B ហើយរៀនសូត្រអំពីរបៀបគ្រប់គ្រងជំងឺនេះ។

នៅខាងក្នុងកូនសៀវភៅនេះ យើងនឹងស្វែងយល់អំពីប្រធានបទ ដូចខាងក្រោម៖

  • របៀបដែលជំងឺរលាកថ្លើមប្រភេទ B រ៉ាំរៃប៉ះពាល់ដល់សុខភាពថ្លើម
  • របៀបដែលជំងឺរលាកថ្លើមប្រភេទ B ឆ្លង
  • ការធ្វើតេស្ត និងការចាក់ថ្នាំបង្ការ
  • របៀបដែលជំងឺរលាកថ្លើមប្រភេទ B រ៉ាំរៃ ត្រូវបានព្យាបាល

Hepatitis B (or hep B) is a serious liver disease that affects millions of people across the world. This brochure is here to help you better understand hep B and learn how to manage it.

Inside this brochure, we will explore the following topics:

  • How chronic hep B affects the liver
  • How hep B is spread
  • Testing and vaccination
  • How chronic hep B is treated


Hom kab mob siab B (lossis hep B) yog ib hom kab mob siab txaus ntshai heev uas muaj ntau 100 vam tus tib neeg nyob thoob hauv ntiaj teb no mob. Phau me nyuam ntawv ntawm no yog los pab koj nkag siab zoo dua qub txog hom kab mob siab B thiab kawm los tswj tus mob no.

Nyob hauv phau me nyuam ntawv no, peb yuav tshawb txog cov ntsiab lus nram qab no:

  • Saib seb hom kab mob siab B tsis txawj zoo (chronic hep B) yuav ua li cas rau lub siab
  • Saib seb hom kab mob siab B yog sib kis tau zoo li cas
  • Kev kuaj thiab kev txhaj tshuaj tiv thaiv
  • Saib seb hom kab mob siab B tsis txawj zoo yog kho li cas

Hepatitis B (or hep B) is a serious liver disease that affects millions of people across the world. This brochure is here to help you better understand hep B and learn how to manage it.

Inside this brochure, we will explore the following topics:

  • How chronic hep B affects the liver
  • How hep B is spread
  • Testing and vaccination
  • How chronic hep B is treated


Cagaarshowga [hepatitis B] (ama hep B) waa cudur caam ah ee saameeya malaayiin qof oo dunida dacaladeeda ku nool. Buugyarahan waxaa loogu talagalay inuu kaa caawiyo si aad wax uga fahamto xanuunka hep B iyo in aad barato sida aad u maarayn la hayd.

Buugyarahan dhexdiisa, waxaan ku faahfaahinnaynaa qodobaddan soo socda:

  • Sida xanuunkan raaga ee hep B beerkaaga u waxyeeleeyo
  • Sida cagaarshowga [hep B] u faafo
  • Baaritaanka iyo tallaalka
  • Sida xanuunkan raaga ee hep B beerkaaga u waxyeeleeyo

Hepatitis B (or hep B) is a serious liver disease that affects millions of people across the world. This brochure is here to help you better understand hep B and learn how to manage it.

Inside this brochure, we will explore the following topics:

  • How chronic hep B affects the liver
  • How hep B is spread
  • Testing and vaccination
  • How chronic hep B is treated

For additional information,

contact Gilead at 1-800-GILEAD-5

Gilead Headquarters:

333 Lakeside Drive

Foster City, CA 94404

Phone: (650) 574-3000

Fax: (650) 578-9264

1-800-GILEAD-5 (1-800-445-3235)