Helpful Resources
Whether you’re concerned you may be at risk for hep B or you have already been diagnosed, the videos, brochures, and other resources below can help you learn more and take action.
Videos About Hep B

Hep B Brochure
ABCs of Hepatitis
Hepatitis A
Hep A can be spread by:
- Eating or drinking contaminated food or water
- Being in close contact with an infected person
- Having sex with an infected person
Your body will usually fight off the infection and there is usually no lasting damage to your liver.
There is no specific treatment for hep A. However, there is a vaccine to prevent hep A.
Hepatitis B
Hep B can be spread:
- During birth from an infected mother
- By coming in contact with blood or bodily fluids of an infected person
- Having sex with an infected person
Hep B cannot spread through things like food, water, touching or kissing.
Hep B can be short-term (acute) and your body fights off the infection.
Hep B is sometimes called a “silent killer” because even if you don’t feel sick, the virus may be active and causing liver damage. Even without symptoms, you can still infect others.
Chronic hep B treatments are available, and there is a vaccine to prevent it.
Hepatitis C
- Hepatitis C is an infectious liver disease that spreads through blood-to-blood contact with an infected person
- Hep C is not contagious like the common cold or the flu. You cannot spread hep C by kissing or casual contact, sneezing, coughing, or sharing food or drink
- Hep C is a slow progressing disease, with symptoms that may not appear for years, if at all. Hep C can cause serious liver damage
- There is NO vaccine to prevent hep C; however, there are treatment options available that may cure hep C. Cure means the virus is not detected in the blood when measured three months after treatment is completed
To learn more, visit or call 844-9-HEPCHOPE (1-844-943-7246) to talk to a Hep C Educator.